Is there a scam that you would like to report that you have likely fallen victim to that you would like to warn other people about?
Perhaps you have had your eye on joining a particular program but you’re still on the fence about it and unsure as too whether the company in question is a scam or a legit way to make money online.
Let me do the research for you and write a detailed review on my website about this company before you hand over your hard earned money to another potential scam.
This page can be used to request a review of any product/ service in the online marketing industry as well as used to report a scam.
Please try to be as descriptive as possible and include the following in your request
- Name of the potential scam/ company you want to be reviewed
- Website URL
- The price you paid and how much money you invested total.
- Why you feel like you’ve been scammed
- Any other details that you feel would be relevant
I usually try and answer my emails as soon as possible but on some days I’m overwhelmed and it could take me up to 48 hours to respond.
Most of the time I get back to answering my comments in under 24 hours and I’ll do my best to get back to you ASAP.