Learning the proper way to make money online in 2018 doesn’t have to be overcomplicated but most people overthink this and make it a whole lot harder than it actually is.
The whole internet marketing industry hasn’t changed much over the years but there are a few things that you need to know if you want to have a chance at making your first dollar and learn how to scale this to the point where you’re earning a full time living.
Within the following post, I’ll be sharing some of the mistakes that I’ve made when I first started out here and show you how to avoid them and learn from my mistakes.
I’ll also be revealing a few key things that are vital to your success in 2018 and sharing the program that has helped me out the most and provided me with a step by step guild to making money online.
Are you guys ready?
Don’t Chase After Shiny Objects
This was one of the biggest mistakes that I’ve made in my entire journey of learning how to make money online and 1 of the most costly ones to date.
For those of you who aren’t familiar with this term this simply means don’t get caught up in all the get rich quick schemes out there that promise you a huge payday for doing little to NO work.
Unfortunately, I fell for a multitude of programs like this and for years, I was convinced that I could buy my way into success without having to make any types of sacrifices.
After wasting lots of time and several thousands of my hard earned money I finally opened my eyes and realized that these types of programs had no intentions of helping me out and their primary focus was just to take my money and run.
I’m sure that many of you guys out there can totally relate to this and know how costly of a mistake this can be.
How many of you are currently chasing shiny objects and still looking for a push button system to success?
Take it from someone that has been there and done that these types of systems don’t exist so stop throwing away your hard earned money with these programs cause THEY DON”T WORK!!!
There Is No Shortcut To Success
Another one of the huge mistakes that I made when I first started out was trying to take shortcuts and take the easy way out.
Instead of putting in the hard work and time that was required to build a business online, I thought it would be much quicker and cost a whole lot less if I took the easy route.
Needless to say, this didn’t work and just like anything in life that’s worthwhile you’re going to need to put in a great deal of time and effort before it pays off.
If you’re serious about making this whole online thing into a respectable career then it’s not going to come easy.
Don’t be like me and think you can make it in this industry without working hard at it cause you’re setting yourself up to fail from the start.
Don’t Be Stubborn
Failing to listen to the peeps that I looked up to when I first started was another one of the biggest mistakes that I’ve made here and if I could do it all over I would.
I have pretty much been stubborn my entire life and have always thought that I knew it all so coming into an industry like this, I had a lot to learn.
Little did I know that learning how to make money online the proper way was a skill that I was going to need to learn which would take time before I was able to master it.
Finally, I got my head out of my ass and realized that If I was going to make it online I was going to need to stop being so stubborn and actually listen to established entrepreneurs who were already earning 6 figures or more.
Don’t be stubborn or think you know it all because remember if you did know it all then you likely wouldn’t be reading this article right now would you?
Set Reasonable Goals For Yourself
One of the things that helped me out the most when I started my online career was setting reasonable goals that I could realistically reach within a certain amount of time.
This doesn’t mean for you to set a goal of earning $10k a month in your first year.
Sounds like a pretty sweet goal, but do you seriously think this is possible?
To be quite honest with you guys today, this was 1 of the very first goals I set for myself when I first started out.
Was I able to achieve this goal in the amount of time that I originally gave myself to reach this?
What do you guys think?
Of course not!!
Although this could be a great goal for you to reach, chances are that if you’re a newbie who is just getting started you’re likely to get burnt out within your first couple of months.
Instead of trying to hit $10k within your first year why not settle for making your first thousand and then scale things from there?
After I started setting goals that were more reasonable I was able to start seeing results and actually hit my goals earlier than I expected.
Avoid Distractions
When you work from home your bound to have distractions of some kind and how you deal with these distractions will determine whether you make it or not in the online world.
Personally, for me, I find social media to be my biggest distraction and too this day I still struggle with staying off it long enough to be productive and get some work done.
Working from home can be quite challenging especially if you have several children and spouse that you live with.
Finding a way to devote some quality time each day to work on your business without being distracted can be the deciding factor that determines whether you make it in this industry or not.
Focus On Helping People Instead Of How Much Money You Could Potentially Make
One of the main reasons why most people don’t make it in this industry is due to the fact that they aren’t creating helpful and quality content.
Instead, they focus more on the selling aspect and try to sell to people instead of helping them.
I’m sure you might be saying about now, but Scott how am I supposed to make money without selling?
That’s a great question and I’m that that you guys brought this up.
In today’s day and age, people hate to be sold too and they will go out of their way to avoid a salesman.
Instead of selling to them why not help them out, answer any questions they may have, and point them in the direction of the best product that would help them out the most and provide a solution?
By building a relationship with your targeted audience and gaining their trust beforehand they will be much more inclined to trust the products that you’re recommending to them than if you’re simply pitching and selling to them all day.
Nobody likes that style of marketing and in 2018 these types of marketing techniques no longer work.
Are you guys following me so far?
My Closing Thoughts?
So what truly is the key to making money online in 2018?
Well, to be completely honest with you guys today there really is no 1 key factor that you need to master to become successful here in this business.
It’s more of a combination of things and if you avoid the mistakes that I’ve made when I first started out here and take action on the other things I’ve listed in this post, your chances of making lots of money in 2018 have just doubled.
However, in order for you to have any type of success online, you’re going to need some training and the right tools to get the job done along with the right amount of help and support when you need it the most.
The place that has helped me out the most and shown me how to build a very profitable business online is Wealthy Affiliate.
If your 2017 didn’t turn out the way you had planned and your search for making money online wasn’t successful and you’re determined to make 2018 your year, then I think you owe it to yourself to check out everything WA has to offer you and see if they can help you out as much as they have me.
Anyways, I really hope you guys have a very prosperous 2018 and hopefully this post has provided you with everything you need to make this your best year yet.
If you still have questions or would like to leave me a comment below I would love to hear from you.
Happy New Year Everyone and I’ll see you in 2018!!
Until Next Time
Hi Scott,
What an excellent article that you have shared with us! I can personally relate to almost every one of these things as I did them myself when I first started online.
The one that I can relate to the most is shiny object syndrome aka chasing shiny objects. It took me a while but eventually, I was able to break this habit and start building my business instead.
Also, I’m quite guilty when it comes to being stubborn and thinking you know it all lol. Thanks again for another well written, helpful and informative article.
Regards, Sunaina
Scott Newkirk
Hi Sunaina,
I think we are all guilty of doing at least 1 of these things when we first get started online. The important thing is that we learn a lesson from it and are able to move on and learn from these mistakes.
I really appreciate you stopping by and sharing your thoughts on this with everyone here today.